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Waiting for Godot (Reflection)

  Reflection   The story of Waiting for Godot features four names, namely Vladimir, Estragon, Pozzo, Lucky, and Boy. These four figures are in uncertainty waiting for a character named Godot who until the end it is known that he did not approach them. While waiting, Vladimir and Estragon discuss many things that surround them. It is through these conversations that the character of each character is seen as well as the confusion and strangeness that appears in their minds. Personally, I think this drama is very complicated because it carries theological things. Theological which talks about everything related to belief. However, it is quite interesting because it feels close to human life in the uncertainty that one encounters while living in the world, it really tells the story of dwarf human existence. After reading this drama script, it occurred to me that the "Godot" is inside each person and not outside himself.
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